Deployment of Technomedia website for Faculty of Technology University of Colombo

Client Overview

Technomedia is the official media club of the faculty of technology, University of Colombo, which aims to provide a creative platform for undergraduates to explore and develop their skills. Technomedia provide opportunities for undergraduates to work on real-world projects and collaborate with peers from different majors and backgrounds. Technomedia engaged us to develop a dynamic and user-friendly website for their society.

Project Objectives

To develop a dynamic and user-friendly website for Technomedia that serves as an engaging hub for club members and undergraduate students of faculty of technology, University of Colombo to showcases their multimedia projects, and attracts potential new members.


Requirements Gathering: Conducted interviews and surveys to understand the needs of club members and the desired features of the website.

Design and User Experience: Created a visually appealing and intuitive design that reflects the vibrant and creative nature of Technomedia Society. Prioritized a responsive design to ensure accessibility across various devices.

Multimedia Integration: Developed dedicated sections for each multimedia category, allowing easy navigation and showcasing the diverse talents within the club. Integrated galleries and portfolios for members to display their work.

User Engagement Features: Incorporated a members’ forum for discussions, project collaboration spaces, and a blog section for sharing experiences. Implemented a notification system to keep members informed about upcoming events and announcements.

Events and Competitions: Integrated a calendar feature for scheduling events, workshops, and competitions. Developed a submission portal for members to participate in and showcase their work during club competitions.

Content Management System (CMS): Implemented a robust CMS that allows administrators to easily update and manage content, ensuring the website remains dynamic and up-to-date.

Social Media Integration: Included social media feeds to foster a connection between the website and external platforms, promoting a broader reach and engagement.


The Technomedia Society website successfully launched, providing an interactive and visually appealing platform for club members. Key outcomes include:

Increased user engagement: Noticeable increase of engagement among club members through the integrated forum and collaboration spaces.

Visibility: Improved visibility of club activities, attracting new members from diverse backgrounds.

Streamlined event management: with members and visitors easily accessing information about upcoming events and competitions, the management have become easier.

The website now serves as a central hub for Technomedia Society, fostering collaboration, creativity, and community among its members.

Future Recommendations

To further enhance the Technomedia Society website, the following recommendations are proposed:

Membership Portals: Implement individualized member profiles with portfolio sections, allowing members to personalize their pages and showcase a comprehensive view of their multimedia projects.

Interactive Tutorials: Develop multimedia tutorials and resources for beginners, creating an educational component within the website to support skill development.

Alumni Section: Establish a dedicated space to highlight the achievements of alumni who were once part of Technomedia, inspiring current members and fostering a sense of continuity.

Collaborative Projects: Introduce a feature that facilitates the formation of project groups within the club, encouraging collaboration on larger-scale multimedia projects.

Feedback Mechanism: Incorporate a feedback system for projects and events, enabling members to provide constructive criticism and suggestions, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Integration with University Platforms: Explore opportunities for integration with university platforms or portals, ensuring seamless connectivity with other academic and extracurricular activities.

Looking Ahead

The Technomedia website has successfully evolved into a vibrant digital space that not only showcases the talents of its members but also fosters collaboration and community. The ongoing implementation of recommended features will contribute to the continuous growth and improvement of the website, ensuring it remains a dynamic and valuable resource for Technomedia and its members. The website stands as a testament to the club’s commitment to innovation, creativity, and the development of multimedia skills within the university community.

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